I completed myy PhD (passed with minor corrections!) in Modern Statistics and Statistical Machine Learning at Imperial College London, in the EPSRC CDT in Modern Statistics and Statistical Machine Learning at Imperial and Oxford, supervised by Seth Flaxman and Yingzhen Li. My PhD was partially supported by Cervest through the StatML CDT. I am generally interested in topics in Bayesian machine learning, especially Gaussian processes, deep generative modelling, probabilistic modelling and approximate inference for high-dimensional data, with applications for climate science and public health.


  • November 2023 - present: I am currently a Research Scientist at Fano Labs, working on automatic speech recognition.
  • Fall 2022: I visited David Duvenaud at the Vector Institute in Toronto, Canada.
  • Summer 2021: I was an applied scientist intern at Amazon in Cambridge, United Kingdom, supervised by James Hensman and Xiaoyu Lu.
  • Fall 2019: I started my PhD at Imperial College London, in the Modern Statistics and Statistical Machine Learning Centre of Doctoral Training (StatML)
  • I obtained my MSci in Mathematics from Imperial College London, during which I had the great opportunity of studying at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland as a visiting student during my 3rd year.

Feel free to reach out to me at harrisonzhu5080 [at] gmail [dot] com.